Shandong Jianjun Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd.
Contacts : Mr.Hou
TEL : 15269660777 15163623333

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Good start in livestock production
Good start in livestock production
n April 23rd, Sharan Tor Toya, a herdsman of the pasture, fed the sheep. In the winter of 2012, Inner Mongolia suffered a rare snowstorm. Because of the effective measures for disaster prevention and mitigation, and the improvement of the infrastructure of animal husbandry in recent years, the production of animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia has not been seriously affected, and this year has started well. According to statistics, as of the end of March, the size of animal Aberdeen survived 33 million 574 thousand (only), an increase of 1 million 348 thousand over the same period last year (head only); the survival rate of 98.4% offspring, over last year increased 0.1 percentage points.
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Shandong Jianjun Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd.
TEL:15269660777 15163623333  ADD:Qili Street, Qingzhou Economic Development Zone  ZIP:262500